Our company has been developing and manufacturing electronics for model railroading since 2005 – at first doing only for the Hungarian market. At that time our products were available under the name “HobbyDCC”, since our main developmental scope was hobby train modeling. We soon realized, however, that our products are of great help to professional model railroaders. As our range of products expanded, we outgrew the term “hobby” and as a result, in 2008 we realized that a name change was in order. This is how TrainModules® was born.Driven by dedication, the brand name was internationally registered right at the birth of the first TrainModules® product line. Our range of products currently extends to all themes within the field of electronics, which is a requisite for model railroaders and other modelers.
During the developing stage, we pay special attention to satisfying the needs of both those customers who have the smallest, hobby-sized layout and those who operate several-hundred-meter long track systems, as well as meeting the demands of those customers who deal with the sizes in between: the middle-sized layouts of smaller clubs and institutions.
As members of the development team at TrainModules® we ourselves are active modelers, and therefore are able to judge our products from a developer's point of view. Due to this, we have first-hand experience in what a modeler needs and what kind of demands our products need to satisfy. Both during, and following the development stage, each of our products goes through extensive testing. This is done within our own facility, with the help of our module layout, which is over few tens meter long. Only those of our products, which have been tested with our layout and satisfied our criteria 100%, after being put under considerable strain - become availabe to our customers. Thanks to this, we are able to guarantee constant, outstanding quality.As modelers, we know that a track layout and the scenery is never finished - it is changed, renewed, expanded constantly. TrainModules® also keeps this in mind while designing new products: they are constantly being developed, as electronics are a vital part of the layout, and must follow its dynamic changes. Since the layout is never finished, development never ends either. This constant development is also true for the use value of certain electronics, as we too feel if an instrument of electronic equipment is inconvenient to use or if there is need for new features. We pay attention to the needs that arise during the use of our products, and also try to bear in mind what the modeling world recommends, making these suggestions our standards (e.g. S88-N).
From 2015, our users have the opportunity to order products directly from the manufacturer on our website. With this we aim to guarantee modelers the fastest possible way to attaining the latest products. Aside from this, we still deem it important to expand the range of our distributors, in order to reach all parts of the world.
To TrainModules®, layout aren't only about railways. We pay great attention to detail: to filling the tracks' environment with life – these not only include special light effects, but also sound effects – in order to grant very life-like impression. Besides our easy-to-assemble electronics, we consider modularity our basic principle, since in terrain building it is the general demand of customers that the instruments be interconnectable and expand each other's features.MANUFACTURING AND US

TrainModules® became an official LocoNet manufacturer in 2010. At the same time, besides professional modeling, we follow the arising trends and needs in the world of hobby modeling as well (e.g. S88-N).
We make sure of the invariably high quality of our products through haveing the whole manufacturing process take place on our own production line, which is certified by the ISO 9001:2009 quality control system, meeting all requirements.
Customer, user opinions are important to us, and, in order to gain further experience, we consult with professionals from all over the world during the development process,. Their feedback and personal experiences aid our development and make it possible for us to approach our upcoming products from various new points of view.